I Can Dig It!

March 21, 2010

Is anyone else’s bracket but mine completely screwed???  Yeah…thanks Kansas/Notre Dame/Villanova/Vanderbilt! Good thing I didn’t pick either of you for my final four…

Anyway..moving along… here is what I’m picking to watch this week. (PS – if you are really interested in reading action about the NCAA games online [as well as a few jokes and original videos] check out my dad’s blog here: http://blogs.rep-am.com/Time_Out/ . Anything by LEE LEWIS is his, and the videos? All shot by me. Your welcome!}


1. Dancing with the Stars   Monday  8 p.m.  on ABC

Can you believe Dancing with the Stars (DWTS) has been on for 10 seasons!? Yeah..me either. But it has, and the season 10 premiere airs tomorrow (Monday) night at 8 p.m. The cast list for this season has its share of…well…it should be a good show.

I started getting into this show a few seasons ago. Is it wrong to say I like the pro dances better than the star/pro dances? While some people like to see the “star” – let’s face it, you don’t see George Clooney up there wearing sequins and doing a paso doble – mess up, or see who is doing well or improving; my favorite is the results show when a musical guest will perform and two (or more) real professional dancers..well..dance.

Below are two of my favorite professional dances – but you should still watch the show anyway to see the stars!! (Rumor is, Pamela Anderson will be on it. I know. Who knew she was still around, huh?)

2. Castle  Monday 10 p.m.  on ABC

*NOTE: This is my grandmother’s favorite “guilty pleasure” show, and I enjoy it too, but this one is definitely for my Gramz.

I believe this show doesn’t get enough credit for what it is. Is it a cop show? Yes. Does it revolve around a man and a woman with sexual tension who will play the “will-they won’t-they” game until the series finale when they finally confess that they’ve loved each other for 10 years (see: JAG)? Yes.

Is this a typical show? …Not really.

See, yes there is a man and a woman (Richard Castle and Kate Beckett, see left) but instead of two partners – two cops or two lawyers or cop and lawyer or cop and doctor – this show deals with cop Beckett and writer Castle. Yes, Castle writes mystery novels, and he follows Beckett around as inspiration for his new set of novels, featuring heroine Nikki Heat (who is based off of Beckett).

Yes, the two obviously love each other. That whole, Her: You’re annoying.  Him: I will do anything to save/protect you., bit gets old and no matter how hard you try to hide it, if there is the slightest bit of that present in a show, you know that the two characters belong together and hopefully will before the show gets cancelled and gets no resolution.

This week’s episode introduces Desperate Housewives star Dana Delaney as an FBI Agent that is just like Beckett. (This also reunites Delaney and Nathan Fillion, who plays Castle. The two previously starred on Desperate Housewives together as husband and wife.) There is also a killer on the loose out to get Beckett and, as the promo below shows you, tries to get her by (possibly) blowing up her apartment. As a personal fan of a Beckett/Castle relationship, I am so loving how this will play out.

3. Gigi   Saturday  8 p.m.  on Turner Classic Movies

So, this one is definitely out of the ordinary for I Can Dig It!. But, since NCAA Basketball has taken over TV, I decided to go outside the box.

First of all, its an older movie that many people have already seen. Second of all, it’s on a station that not everybody gets. Turner Classic Movies? Ever heard of it? Am I the only one who watches it?

Pressing on. This movie, about a young “courtesan-in-training” and an older rich playboy enjoy a platonic relationship that may not be platonic for long. The playboy, Gaston, is fascinated by the young Gigi since she is not like other girls he has known. He falls for her and requests her hand in marriage, which causes some, of course, turmoil and romantic dramatics.

The nine-Academy Award winning film is a classic, and one that I enjoy very much. So, if you have the channel and have nothing to do Saturday night, I suggest tuning in. It’s quite a thrill.

Find one of my favorite scenes in the video below, and enjoy!